
U14/Grades 7th-8th
Experienced 6th Graders With Coaches Recommendation
*If you are a 'free agent' player (no existing team) and would like to register with an existing Middle School Fall Ball teams, please contact FirstCoastLacrosse@Gmail.com!
Now entering the 19th year of competition, First Coast Fall Ball League (FCL) is one of the most established lacrosse leagues in the southern U.S.
League Philosophy
Help players take their game to the next level and provide quality playing experiences with US Lacrosse certified officials! We follow US Lacrosse U14 Rules!
League Dates 2024
Every Sunday: September 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th and October 6th.
Game Format
Each Middle School team ONE 50-minute games every Sunday. Format will be 12v12 but could be smaller sided based on league participation. Full-Field games are played on the area’s best women's lacrosse fields.
Play against other local middle school teams in North Florida. The league will consist of approximately 8 teams.
League Fees
$175 plus registration fees (our fees have not gone up!)
TEAM Registration
Middle School coaches must register their teams with the league director prior to be provided individual player registration link!